
Any state of mind or being we find ourselves experiencing is rooted from abundant energy exchange. Thought, emotion, action, speech, time, place and circumstance — all sourced from the play of cause and effect. Who we are surrounded by (with regularity) influences our ability, or incapacity to sustain regenerative power in our daily living. When you find yourself feeling thwarted, drained, even subtley challenged by the simple actions and unspoken views of those closest to you, it's time to "check" yourself!

What current habits are you enacting that mirror dissonance felt between yourself and your immediate community? Where do you give up on fulfilling your vital needs, or manifesting dreams and goals (which may reflect how you think others view you as being "insignificant")? How often do you run away from challenge when you know standing up is the only option?

Questioning and follow-through. Seeking resolution. Creating opportunities to shift. Staking claim on our right to enhance every aspect of our existence — all ways to help us emanate fresh views and behaviors from within into collective space. When we make peace with our power as creative beings, our personal vibration becomes a guide to swift accomplishment, and a loving tempest guiding us to correct inevitable mistakes.