Zero Space

The wake of our life stories can drown or buoy us. If we choose to swim in deep acceptance, nothing speaks more clearly than pure emotions purged from sharp intention. What we intend for self and others reflects our ability to share collective acts of healing. Extending peace, "crossing the street first" (risking rejection and aggression), bares no loss. Only understanding. The offer is our first act of gentle care, amidst the cautious wounds felt by others.

Love nourishes unknown places. Kindness extended (from heartfelt drives to soothe the pain we've caused) is unmistakeable and difficult to shove away. It forges individual and group renewal, becoming its own legacy, limitless in expression.

What we think and do to one another matters – in the silence of our thoughts, while voicing concerns or praise, in the actions done when no one else seems to pay attention. We're always weighed with abundant power. The harm or grace we extend takes its tally in every inch of our life, crisp in execution – leaving no excuses or anyone exempt from responsive accountability.

Recently, I began my own journey in all of the above.

While I did no physical harm to others, by my taking long-term space / being absent from familial bonds as a sister, niece, daughter, aunt and grandchild, I still hurt others. By waiting years to speak away confusion, I let it reign. By not holding space for mutual growth and peace-making, I withheld the celebration of dissolved wrongs wrapped in unspoken mercy.

This moment forward marks a (welcome!) cycle of releasing the broken and the buried, digging up the sullen roots between myself and loved ones and seeding what I can joyfully regenerate. A journey of empowered forgiveness has begun. In turn, others have been freed to do this on their own terms.

Love has shown me a raw and humble state of living – reflecting back its natural energy of zero space. The emptiness of unforeseen and favorable outcomes, the realm of innumerable discoveries after chaos has blown through. The place our hearts reside, before we start to build.

Love, a fundamental primal instinct, always break the mould...beyond our wildest expectations!