Drop It

The many subtle ways we're passively aggressive in response to someone else's faults won't change them. The most "flawed" in our eyes (ironically) seem to be the most blissful - simply because they don't care about the views of others. In times of genuine offense, speak your truth with firm clarity and kindness - then, let it go. Verbal repetition only depletes your energy - learning how to generate ideal solutions through concentrated action sends a mighty message in the long-run. In all other cases, save your vital energy. Shrug off the habits of your peers and pay homage to their demeanor as a useful teaching / a diligent "how-not-to." Real compassion, free of pretense, comes from a feisty practice of dissolving through our emotional and mental life storms. Nature pushes us to grow freely through awareness, full participation, heightened consideration and tender responsibility. A truly good day of being alive and well involves our buttons getting pushed - regularly and often!
