
Yesterday I spent time sitting in the redwoods. I made the 3-mile walk (each way) a chance to breath deep and count my blessings - while taking in an unusually dry and warm northern California winter. I went to the forest to listen, give thanks, and release before a new year unfolds.

Over the years I've learned to align myself with a sweet "hum" in the air. I call it the Earth's song - what's heard even underneath human chatter in highly concentrated natural spaces. As I've grown a stronger inner life, this sound has become a harbinger of where to tap deeper joy. Spaces that hold this sweet humming - even in the midst of dissonant actions by others - are wellsprings of nurturing guidance. They are realms easily accessible just by getting still and paying attention.

Living from the full sound of peace is an evergreen action. It can never be taken from you - once you've decided it's rightfully yours to cultivate.

The roots of transformation we dig up unfurl as food. We choose to grow silent, in order to speak with vital weight. We take a moment to stop, in order to move with greater velocity.

What is everlasting always changes - never stagnating. Our power to do better constantly ripens, always refreshing our confidence. Strike the silence of a new year! Devote yourself to seeding change, cultivating good in all circumstances.