
Thoroughly investigate the faulty drive to manipulate or coerce a unique purpose into existence. Destroy the habit of falling into another's shallow view of your true potential. Playing into limitations (fully within your control to neutralize!) sets the stage for (chronic) failure - signaling "skin" destined to be shed with unapologetic vigor. Strip down, bare yourself to yourself - fully. Apply consisent, loyal pressure in the act of accepting all your fractured imperfections. These are the places from where new wisdom shines, dimly sparkling with fresh insight. Question everything. What dreams are still cloaked, ready to be birthed? How has your creativity been wounded (and what's the remedy to revive it)? Where is the boundary never to be crossed - and why? How much effort will you engage in service to invoking greater good for self and others? Are the tools you have enough, or no longer useful/necessary? Do you need to give away more than you receive, or is it time to learn the art of living from responsive receptivity? Increase your understanding. Strive with unending focus to enjoy the process of becoming a master co-creator.